National Economic and Development Authority

National Economic and Development Authority Logo

The National Economic and Development Authority presents such resources as a weekly economic update on national income, manufacturing, electricity consumption, building permits, investment indicators, employment, and wages. NEDA also has a bank of useful historical publications, infographics, and accounts payable information.

The Weekly Economic Update is perhaps NEDA’s most useful publication. It gives a general update on the country’s economy including national income, manufacturing, electricity consumption, building permits, investment indicators, and employment and wage indicators.

NEDA’s publications page houses all publications including, but not limited to, technical papers and policy notes, official development assistance reports, development plans, midterm updates and annual reports, and socioeconomic reports.

NEDA’s infographics page publishes infographics on such topics as inflation, the environment, manufacturing outlook, GDP, construction, trade, and other subjects.

NEDA’s List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-Advice to Debit Accounts (LDDAP-ADA) houses data from 2014 – present on NEDA’s internal finances.

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